Monday, September 03, 2007

sick of being sick

my absence from this blog is usually an indication that i'm drowning in a sea of work or i'm terribly ill.

it's a combination of both.

i completed my marking in the nick of time for the results processing. i usually pride myself on my ability to manage my tasks in advance, but this semester i'm dragging my feet a little.

and just when i though the worst was over, both my girls got hit by the flu-virus. the previous weekend was burnt as wen worked up a high fever that kept me awake for 2 nights in a row. not surprisingly, i contracted the nasty virus and started coughing my lungs out from thursday onwards.

on friday i lost my voice and was so weak and feeble that i couldn't drag myself to answer sms-es and calls from my phone. it got to a point that i couldn't eat anything and had to call my dad to drive over and pick the girls up, and he sent me to the doc's as i found it a drain to take the bus. i spent the entire weekend at home, trying to nurse myself back to a less pitiable state. my appetite is still horrendous and i can hardly swallow any food down without the urge of throwing up. :(

argh. i hate being sick.

the only consolation was that xian was really well-behaved this weekend. she ate on her own without me yelling at her to do so, and even surprised me yesterday when she wanted to do some "homework." perhaps she witnessed my lethargic mode - and it's pretty unusual for me to be knocked out by 10pm.

things are a little better today though i'm still wrecked with a phlegmy cough.

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