About eowYCn

In the real (read: boring) world, I'm a mum to four FIVE beautifully unique girls and I'm an educator by profession.

My philosophy in teaching stems from my own experience as an average student who benefited very little from the rigid system that's successful in churning out academically brilliant brain-smarts but neglects the vast majority of the student population by pushing through them through cookie-cutter machines. Of course, it's always a welcome bonus to get distinctions in tests and examinations. But obtaining fantastic grades doesn't make anyone a better person in life.

I won't claim to be the best-est 'cher' in the world but I take tremendous pride in my job and I try to provide the students with a positive learning environment. In other words, I love what I do. Ironically, I can't teach my own children without harbouring murderous intentions to inflict harm on myself because I simply don't have the patience when it comes to my own kids' education. Weird, isn't it?

In the world of fantasy and make-believe, I'm a Superhero with telekinetic abilities. I'm a Sith Lord and the Force is strong in me. I'm an Elven Archer Warrior sworn to protect the world from dark forces. I'm a Mystic Guardian of an ancient realm of Magic. I'm the Mortal Princess who wields a sword and spits in the face of Death.

Inspired by Gothic Literature, Children's Fantasy novels and Tim Burton films, I immerse myself into a world where I can rage battles without care. This also explains my action-figurine toy obsession which includes collections from The Lord of the Rings trilogy, Corpse Bride and The Nightmare Before Christmas. Although I'm a Tim Burton fan, my all-time favourite movie is Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings trilogy (I consider it a 3-in-1 deal) with special preference for The Two Towers (the 2nd installment).

Yes, I'm weird. Not quite "teacher material' and in the words of my evidently better-half, an "escapist". My heart goes out to the dear hub who has to put up with my idiosyncrasies. I know he gets sympathetic votes from people who know us both because they cannot fathom why I'm, well, not "normal" i.e.  different. Prada, Gucci, Louis Vuitton and Co. do absolutely nothing for me. My favourite shopping expeditions usually occur online when I go toy hunting. The thrill that sends a chill up (not down, mind you!) my spine when I get a good deal for my toys is...inexplicably exhilarating.

I'm THAT strange. Go figure.