Monday, December 31, 2007

my last say for 2007

it's new year's eve already.

scary how time's flown past with just a blink of an eye.

for me 2007 was special as i moved into my haven @ arif, welcomed litle prince arif (our dog) into our family, completed my THEC course, read the last harry potter installment and became pregnant for the 3rd time. unfortunately, there were awfully painful moments too: the deaths of fanny, our 13-year-old alsatian, and my maternal grandma. and then the scares: both my FIL and dad were hospitalised.

i'll just have to put these episodes behind me and look ahead. really, what else can i do but move on?

i guess most people are busy with making plans for tonight - celebrating with friends and loved ones - boozing and partying to usher in 2008. we're probably having dinner with my folks before calling it a day. the hub rented a couple of VCDs so we might just have a movie marathon, if time and energy permits. (those with young kids know exactly what it's like with the energiser bunnies running amok...)

in 2008 xian will start K2 and wen's going to pre-nursery at the same kindergarten. the only reason why wen's going in a year earlier is cos xian will still be there and hopefully she'll help wen settle into a new environment. also, the baby will be arriving in mid april and with the older girls in school during the early mornings, i'll have more time to rest before they get back. hopefully.

of course, these are plans which may change according to circumstances. i'm just keeping my fingers crossed and hoping that things will work out smoothly in 2008 for everyone.

so enjoy the last day of 2007 and may 2008 bring greater fotunate and blessings to one and all! :)

p.s. - next year i'll send some love from 3 kiddies. for now here're my cheeky monsterina (xian) and rascalrella (wen)!

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