it was a lovely break, marred by my falling horribly ill on sunday itself. i wasn't able to sleep much the night before, tossing and turning in bed, waking up with chills and feeling too warm the next hour. but it was only after we checked out of the hotel and headed for breakfast that i just wanted to crawl back under the covers.
i was attacked by a nasty stomach flu. plus too much of rich food, and an overdose of dairy products and meat.
naturally i didn't eat any breakfast as i was overwhelmed by nausea. just the mere thought of food was enough to scramble to the toilet to throw up. the hub had planned to take the kids to AQWA - The Aquarium of Western Australia but i was in no condition (or desire) to go anywhere, except the washroom.
since our flight back to singapore was at 3.55pm, we had some time to spare so the hub went ahead as planned and drove to AQWA. throughout the journey, i was slumped in the backseat with a plastic bag hovering within inches of my face, ever-ready to barf.
wei didn't help the situation with her constant screaming (she doesn't like to be in the car for too long) and the older girls' constant squabbling over nothing and MIL's constant yelling to settle them only added to my throbbing headache.
when we arrived at AQWA, the hub brought xian and wen along while i stayed in the car with wei, MIL and FIL. that was the best arrangement we could figure out as both MIL and FIL weren't too keen on going and even if the hub slung wei in the sarong she wouldn't have understood what was happening.
i tried to take a nap in the car and i think the rest did me some good as i didn't feel as yucky as i did in the morning. at the airport, i managed to consume 1/4 of a cinnamon croissant before boarding the plane. once on the aircraft, i only drank orange juice and water and stole a few pieces of cut fruit from xian's tray since i couldn't eat any savoury food.
actually, i think i would have recovered a little faster if i didn't have to care for a cranky baby. everyone else had some shut-eye time but i wasn't so fortunate.
wei's a bit claustrophobic - she doesn't like to be confined in spaces like the car and airplane - and creates a ruckus when we don't attend to her needs immediately. thankfully, both the MIL and FIL were seating with me and they both took turns to bounce her on their laps and "entertain" her till she got bored and yelled herself hoarse and i carried her back to my seat.
well, my baby terrorliza ain't called screamy for no reason.
the hub was a real sweetie as well. he decided to carry wei during the plane's descend, knowing full well that she'd erupt into another chorus of wails because of the discomfort in her ears due to the change in air pressure. both xian and wen chipped in to distract and comfort wei during the last 15 minutes on the plane until we touched landed. amazingly, the minute wei was placed back in the sarong and we left the plane she became silent again.
monsterina, rascalrella and baby terrorliza (with a 'buay song' look)
usually at the end of any holiday, i'd be moody because i'd wish i could extend my vacation. this time round, i couldn't wait to get back to the comfort of home so that i could enjoy a good rest instead of rushing around after the kids in a foreign land.
it was a real pity that i was ill towards the tail-end of the trip. not the most wonderful ending of an enjoyable holiday with the family. but we did have lots of fun, and we managed to do what we'd mapped out to accomplish. i'd give this trip an 8/10, points lost only because i became sick.
having said that, i can't WAIT for our next family vacation. but first, the hub and i have got to recover from the huge hole in our savings caused by the holiday expenses. plus with the current economic and financial peril, i'm not too hopeful that we'll be able to afford another trip so soon.
we'll see it goes. by the way, we took about 546 photos during our 9 day western australia holiday and i'll need some time to sort them out, so won't be posting them up so soon. :)
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