Monday, April 01, 2013

The April Fool

The April Fool 

Sometimes I question my blind faith and devotion
Sometimes I wonder if I'm doing too little
Because I'm often told I'm not doing enough

Yet I find myself drained because I've given it my all
For all that I've done, it's never quite sufficient
For those who demand my time, heart and soul

Everyone asks for my understanding
But will anyone slip on my shoes for a change? 
No - none are Fools like me

Patience is a virtue I grudgingly acknowledge
Endurance is more than completing a marathon
I yearn for simplicity but face complexity

Just because I'm always here
Doesn't mean I'll be here forever
You have limits as do I

Teo Yuan Ching
1 April 2013 

Copyright © Teo Yuan Ching

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