Tuesday, June 04, 2013

If. Perhaps. Maybe.

I was scrolling through the pinboards on Pintrest and I chanced upon this:

And it got me thinking about the "hits" and "misses" in my life, how I'd met people at  various stages and how  my life as I know it could have taken an alternative route and how things would have turned out completely different.

We know not what the future holds, and all the best laid plans in the world can never guarantee success, especially in relationships. 

Sure, they were numerous occasions when I wondered if I'd made the right decision and there's no denying that in moments of frustrations I wished I'd walked another path. 

And then those thoughts disappear in a puff.

Simply because I think it's silly to dwell on the past and if things are going to get any better, I've to stop moping and grumbling, and just do something positive to make it all better.

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