Thursday, December 14, 2006

the big kid

i've stumbled upon a new writer and her works to feast on. bought the three books last friday at bugis junction's kinokuniya.

just started on the first book of the trilogy: The Magician's Guild. unfortunately i'm hampered by tonnes or marking and can't devour the novel as quickly as i'd like to. but the holidays are approaching and once i clear my work i'm quite sure i'll have the opportunity to sit down and leisurely read my latest acquisitions.

trudi canavan is an australian female fantasy writer whom BigD happens to "know" (lucky devil). my learned colleague also commented that i've acquired quite an unusual reading genre i.e. i've become a fan of fantasy literature written specifically for CHILDREN.

yes. children. The Lord of The Rings trilogy, The Chronicles of Narnia, Harry Potter, The Inheritance Trilogy and The Black Magician trilogy are primarily for kiddies.

but as many of you already know, i'm a big kid.

strangely, my voracious appetite for children fantasy only surfaced when i was in my mid 20s - when i bought my first Harry Potter book. But it was the 2001 released LOTR movie that catapulted me into the world of fantasy. I dug out Tolkien's The Hobbit (which i read when i was 13) for another perspective (things seem so different when you're older) and laid my hands on the LOTR trilogy...and there was no turning back.

it's weird that the OLDER i become, the more intrigued i am about being lost in a magical, supernatural realm. this says a great deal about my psychological constitution doesn't it?

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