Tuesday, November 17, 2015


Six months ago, I wrote a blog post about motherhood.

And I stopped writing. Not because I didn't want to but because I wasn't allowed to.

You see, my dad's not been well (understatement) and mum made me promise that I wouldn't mention in on social media. She didn't want "the whole world" to know what happened and I have kept my word. No details.

But it's killing me slowly because writing's always been my coping mechanism. Taking away the one thing that keeps me sane is ripping me apart.

So I turned to playing Game of War and became obsessed with it simply because it kept me occupied so that I couldn't dwell on the emotional roller-coaster ride that I was forced to take. Ironically, this was a game the Hub introduced to me so that I would be his "farm" while he waged online wars with enemies.

So GOW is now my new evil. Not proud of it. But heck, anything to numb my senses and take me away from reality. FAR AWAY.

By the way, if you do download and play the game, I'm in Kingdom #8 Peisione. And my moniker is "Mrs Mootiger".

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