Monday, August 01, 2011

Letter to August

Hey August!

It's great to see you!

Your cousin July was a real pain and I'm awfully glad to see the last of her - at least for this year. She was terrible company and gave me nothing but trouble the entire month although I must admit that things got slightly better towards the tail end.

I'm looking forward to wiping the slate clean and getting back on track. With just 4 more months to go (and a long list of things to accomplish), I've gotta double up and crank up those rusty gears to get up to speed. Not an easy feat, especially when I'm edging closer to the big 4-0 in 3 years' time.

I know this sounds a little crazy but I'm going to start working on my novella. I've been writing since 15 and have kept my little collection of short stories - all handwritten, mind you - in the cupboard for decades.

And then last week, on my way to work, I was in a Katy Perry mood and popped in her One of the Boys album. While listening to Waking Up in Vegas, the closet writer in me snapped out of inertia and the words, ideas, characters just spun out of control.

So for the last few days, I've been formulating storylines, developing characters and creating images. That's when it hit me: perhaps it's time to relive the magic of words and weave them back into my life.

Honestly, I don't think I'll ever publish anything I've written. But I'd really like to preserve my works and  hand them down to my children so that when I'm gone from this world, they'll still have something to remember me by.

Just in case you're unfamiliar with Kathy Perry, I've embedded the Waking Up in Vegas video.

So yeah! I'm counting on you to inspire me, August! Don't let me down!


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