Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Que Sera Sera

It's the simple things in life that bring joy to our hearts.

I can't speak for everyone else, but that holds true for me. Hugs and kisses from my lovely daughters are always a welcome gesture to brighten up a wearisome day.

Not so the chorus of disapproval and daily reports of their mischief that usually follow immediately after.

I wish and wish and wish I've reached a stage where I'm immune to the mutterings. Unfortunately, this all-encompassing aura of negativity constantly gnaws at my calcium-depleted bones and despite my resolve to remain unaffected, I'm too much of an emotional creature to wave it away.

At this point, I've all but given up trying to appease and please. Whatever I've done has never been satisfactory. I've taken it in my stride for the past decade but the walls are crumbling, and I'm losing my patience and temper more frequently.

So I've decided to adopt a "whatever" attitude and a new theme song via the evergreen Doris Day :)

The song never fails to put me in a happy mood - it was what my mum used to sing to me when I was younger, so I guess it's like a "comfort song" and it works much like how chocolate is my "comfort food".

From this moment on, I'm going to try humming this tune whenever I get agitated. And perhaps this will bring about a certain sense of serenity to my otherwise unbalanced emotional state.

I've got to try something right?

So yeah. Que Sera Sera.

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