Thursday, September 02, 2010

Toddler quits smoking

Toddler quits smoking

This must be most horrifying piece of news I've received in a long time.

Minus natural disasters, terrorist attacks and accidents, of course.

How in the world could any sane parent give a toddler a cigarette to smoke?!!? This 2-year-old kid was smoking 2 packs of cigarettes a DAY!

Initially, I taught it was a hoax until I saw the photo.

It's sickening. Why do people perform such ridiculous, downright atrocious acts? Honestly, if you want to smoke, no one is stopping you. But to offer it to an innocent toddler who doesn't know better? That's plain irresponsibility and stupidity!

My heart goes out to the poor kid. According to the reports, he's now cured. But I'm not sure how this is going to last before he succumbs to the stick again...

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